Aching Pain Remedy


  一種嘌呤代謝障礙引起的疾病。病人血和尿中尿酸鹽濃度升高,在指、腳(趾) 、關節旁、耳輪、腎臟等處有尿酸鹽結晶聚積或結石形成,常造成骨關節炎、關節畸形和腎臟損害,甚至引起腎功能衰竭。西藥只能治標不治本也效果永遠一樣?只一年比一年增加痛苦?此乃中醫學“痺証”中醫中藥治療本病療效良好標本齊治!優於西藥。



黃岑、 炒當歸、 白芍、 云茯苓、 半夏、 香附、 檀香、 陳皮、 甘草、 黃柏、等等……






半身不遂、肌肉無力者或風濕骨刺類風濕關節炎、癱瘓、經痛帶下不孕、陽痿不舉易疲勞、高血壓、失眠、抑鬱便秘飲食困難、流口水、癲癇、腦中風可服用: 【德泰堂五寶】【外敷拈痛貼】【拈痛寶】【體元素】【舒壓輕鬆寶】預防骨骼疏鬆退化,全身肌肉酸麻痹,變天潮濕痛。保護關節防止疏鬆退化勞損,無懼風雨潮濕。平均血壓血脂血糖等等……



Aching Pain Remedy

【Indications】: Relieving acute pain from sudden inflamed body muscles, aching pain, sores from wind and fire evils, difficult walking, weariness in movement, pain after drinking alcohol or taking in fried food, animal viscera, beans, shellfish foods

【Functions】: Relieving muscle stress and acute pain, lubricating the joints, relieving swelling and pain, expelling heat and easing pain, relaxing muscles and channeling blood vessel, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, eliminating phlegm and clearing heat, expelling wind and dampness.

【Ingredients】:Radix Scutellariae , Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Paeoniae Alba Poria, Rhizoma Pinelliae, Rhizoma Cyperi, Lignum Santali Albi, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Radix Glycyrrhizae,  Cortex Phellodendri, Semon Trichosanthis,

【Caution】:Patients of various virosis,flu and fever should cease dosing.It is forbidden for pregnant women to take this product.

【Storage】 :keep in cool and shady places.

【Dosage】:(For general use)Take 4 pills, two times a day.


【服用方法】(一般):12回から、4錠ずつ。(症状の重い方) 14回から、4-8錠ずつ。10歳以下のお子様は半分の用量を服用、コース毎に患者の程度から決まります。(妊婦は服用不可。)

Manufactured by Tak Thai Tong Chinese Medicine Factory Ltd.(HK)
Supervised by Wo Tai Chinese Medicine center Limited
Wo Tai Medicine Technology Research Center


Aching Pain Remedy

【Indications】: Relieving acute pain from sudden inflamed body muscles, aching pain, sores from wind and fire evils, difficult walking, weariness in movement, pain after drinking alcohol or taking in fried food, animal viscera, beans, shellfish foods

【Functions】: Relieving muscle stress and acute pain, lubricating the joints, relieving swelling and pain, expelling heat and easing pain, relaxing muscles and channeling blood vessel, promoting blood circulation to remove blood stasis, eliminating phlegm and clearing heat, expelling wind and dampness.

【Ingredients】:Radix Scutellariae , Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Paeoniae Alba Poria, Rhizoma Pinelliae, Rhizoma Cyperi, Lignum Santali Albi, Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae, Radix Glycyrrhizae,  Cortex Phellodendri, Semon Trichosanthis,

【Caution】:Patients of various virosis,flu and fever should cease dosing.It is forbidden for pregnant women to take this product.

【Storage】 :keep in cool and shady places.

【Dosage】:(For general use)Take 4 pills, two times a day.

Manufactured by Tak Thai Tong Chinese Medicine Factory Ltd.(HK)
Supervised by Wo Tai Chinese Medicine center Limited
Wo Tai Medicine Technology Research Center


【服用方法】(一般):12回から、4錠ずつ。(症状の重い方) 14回から、4-8錠ずつ。10歳以下のお子様は半分の用量を服用、コース毎に患者の程度から決まります。(妊婦は服用不可。)

【香港衛生署中成藥確認編號】 HKP 08790

香港電話/Tel:(+852)27711119/27709388 / 27700168 中國電話+(86)15814705588/ +81051638       

QQ號碼: 2413115528







由坐姿、睡姿、工作姿勢不正、穿鞋不合、勞捐過度、走路或站立太多、各種運動過勞、開車太久、打電腦太久、打各種球類舊患、拍電影跌撲內傷、搬運工人內傷舊患、跳舞扭傷、撞車後遺症、婦女產後腰痛、肚痛、遠年滑倒或斷骨脫骹等舊患、從高處跌傷過後導致骨膜損傷後、因無徹底妥善醫理,日彼引至: 如:骨質增生、肥大脊椎炎、骨膜炎、骨刺、關節炎及各種痛症等等、長期病患太久者、風寒濕`入侵人體內或痰盛鬱結、血壓高血脂高、膽固醇高等。經絡血管閉塞或爆裂,就會造成中風,引至半身不隧,應及早預防治療!一般醫療乃識醫唔識藥,或識藥唔識醫,頭痛醫頭、腳痛醫腳、手痛醫手,或短暫舒服,只治標不治本也!

 內云 :「血不通則痛,血通則不痛」、「正氣存內,邪不可干」、「上工治末病,預防勝於治療」





寄生、 自言銅、 秦艽、 杜仲、 當歸、  防風、 獨活、 牛七、 桂皮、 甘草、
木瓜、 赤芍、 烏梢蛇、 蒼術、 川芎、 等等……







【Functions】: Dispelling blood stasis and activating blood circulation.

【Indications】: It is specially effective on pains on bony spur on the skeleton, sore muscles,rheumatics pains, neuralgia on the skeleton and the vertebra, dispelling blood stasis, activating blood circulation, periostitis, wandering rheumatic pains, strains on ligment tendons, trauma on bones, muscular cells, injures during physical exercises, pains on the waist and the back, the effect is rapid, ridding off fatigue, amd noemalzing blood circulation, but it is not harmful to the skin, so the user may be rest assured.

【Ingredients】: Herba Taxilli1, Pyritum, Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae, Cortex Eucommine, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Radix Asngelicae Pubeseentis, Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae, Cortex Cinnamomi, Radix Glycyrrhizae, Comnion Floweringguunce Fruit, Radix Paeoniae Rubra, Zaocys, Rhizoma Atractylodis, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Padix Et Caulis Ventilaginis Leiocarpae, Caulis Tinosponae,

【Storage and expiration】: Keep in cool and shady places.

【Direction】: External use as many times as desired, till the pain is gone. It may also use cotton with the wine apply to the spot for not more than eight hours. After the skin has been rested for over 2-4 hours, apply the wine again till the pain is rib off. Use it together with our other product-LIN TONG BO(capsule). you can experience a much better effect.

If you are suffering from serious pain, you are advised to come to our center for detail check and treatment.

 Manufactured by Tak Thai Tong Chinese Medicine Factory Ltd.(HK)
Supervised by Wo Tai Medicine Technology Research Center

【香港衛生署中成藥確認編號】 HKP 08777

香港電話/Tel:(+852)27711119/27709388 / 27700168 中國電話+(86)15814705588/ +81051638       

QQ號碼: 2413115528






Lim Tong Bo



良,精益求精、心得而研究成功適合各種(中風偏癱後遺症及預防中風), (血壓高膽固醇及血脂高) (通心臟血管經脈)(骨科風濕骨刺神經痛症) 等等實爲世上良藥。 

由坐姿、睡姿、工作姿勢不正、穿鞋不合、勞捐過度、 走路或站立太多、各種運動過勞、開車太久、打電腦太久、打各種球類 舊患、拍電影跌撲內傷、搬運工人內傷舊患、跳舞扭傷、撞車後遺症、 
致骨膜損傷後、因無徹底妥善醫理,日後引至如: 骨科(骨膜炎) (風濕關節炎) (骨退化)(骨質增生肥大性脊椎炎) (風濕關節炎骨刺神經痛症)(血壓高膽固醇及血脂高) (心臟瘀塞)及各種痛症等等、長期病患太久者、經絡血管閉塞或爆裂,就會造成中風偏癱,引至半身不遂,應及早預防治療!


(全身脊椎神經四肢抽筋乏力痛,全身肌肉勞損酸麻痹痛) (類風濕關節炎)(新傷遠年內傷舊患痛症)(四肢肌肉雙腳無力) (中風偏癱後遺症)(行動不便無力疼痛)(頸椎骨刺痛) (骨退化) (五十肩周炎)(肩甲骨炎)(三叉神經痛)(顔面神經痛)(網球手) (高爾夫球手)(手腳指彈弓)(股頭骨壞死痛)(骨質疏鬆骨響)(腰酸背痛) (風濕性關節遊走痛)(肌肉收縮)(骨質勞損腰膝酸軟無力)(腳跟骨刺痛) (骨質增生肥大性脊椎炎)(強直性脊椎炎) (血壓高膽固醇及血脂高) 消除各種痛症、享受快樂人生、親人開心矣。
服用本藥含有多種中草藥維他命成份,可放心服用。消除疲勞, 預防各種風濕骨痛症,歷代純正古方中藥臨床經驗秘方,並無任何副作用。

將身體經絡穴脈暢通祛風濕、驅風除濕、散寒止痛、 暢通任督經脈、通絡除痹、活血散瘀、舒筋活絡、補肝腎、強筋骨、驅風散瘀、清除舊患、降低膽固醇及血脂、將體內骨刺狀軟骨增生肥大軟化收縮固定、不用打針開刀之苦;將氣血經脈血液迴圈、新陳代謝恢復正常、運動行走工作如常、預防骨質疏鬆、精神爽利、消除疲勞。

寄生、 麗參、 防風、 秦艽、 杜仲、 當歸、牛七、 川芎、 桂枝、 獨活、 甘草 等等……

【治療性痛症服法】每天(1)次至(3)次(每次3粒)( 拈痛除濕 )
(養心強心)(暢通心臟血管瘀塞) (平衡血壓血脂膽固醇)



患各種病毒性炎症熱症,發燒感冒者暫停(孕婦忌服) 。

密封,置陰涼乾燥處。    有效期三年 (45粒淨重22.5克)


Lim Tong Bo
This product is formulated through modern innovation and improvements based on a classical herbal prescription proven by clinic experiences of thousands of cases through long Chinese history. It is effective on cancers and limb weakness.

Reasons for bone pain: Caused by: wrong sitting, sleeping and working postures, ill-suited shoes, lassitude, walking or standing too much, over exercising, long time driving, playing computer games too long, stubborn pain by playing kinds of balls, interior injuries from trips of falls in the process of movie making, interior hurt and stubborn pain of porters, sprain from dancing, sequela from car accident, post partum lumbago & abdominal pain, chronic stubborn pain from slipping or broken and dislocation bones. Periosteum injuries caused by falling from high place, which, if not well treated well, may lead to: osteoproliferation, Hypertriphic spoindylitics, periostitis, bony spur pain, arthritis and various symptoms of bone pain. If the collateral blood vessels are blocked or burst out, it will cause stroke and hemiplegia, hence it should be prevented and cured as early as possible. Such symptoms need treatments with both good medicine and diagnosis. However, it is a common phenomenon that many treatments just provide either of them instead both of them. Here, We provide the real effective medicine of Lim Tong Bo and diagnosis for fundamental treatment without injection and clinical operation.
Classic on Chinese Medicine States: “pains results from congestion, once the congestion is removed, the pain vanishes.”

【Ingredients】: Herba Taxilli, Radix Ginseng, Radix Saposhnikoviae, Radix Gentianae Macrophyllae,
Cortex Eucommine, Radix Angelicae Sinensis, Radix Achyranthis Bidentatae, Rhizoma Chuanxiong, Ramulas Cinnamomi, Radix Angelicae Pubeseentis, Radix Glycyrrhizae.

Function: It clears the channels and collateral of the body and relieve wind-dampness syndrome, releases pain and cold, clears Ren and Du meridians, disperses wind and remove dampness, promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, releases meridian and collateral, protects liver and kidney, strengthens collateral and bones, relieves wind and dissipates stasis, removes chronic and stubborn pain, reduces cholesterol and blood-fat concentration, softens and shrinks spurlike osteogeny. It also normalizes “qi” and blood transportation through channels and collateral, restoring blood circulation and metabolism so that the patients can act and walk normally. And It also helps prevent osteoporosis, maintain easeful mind and relieve tiredness.

Indications: Effective on spinal bone neuralgia and limb clonus, relieving lassitude muscle numbness pain, vestigial bones caused by arthralgia, Chronic interior hurt and stubborn pain, week of limb muscle and feet, stroke and hemiplegy, hard to act, heart weakness and pain, wind-dampness ache, stabbing pain of cervical spine, scapulohumeral periarthritis or shoulders of fifties, scapulalgia, trifocal neuralgia, facial neuralgia, tennis elbow and golf elbow, spastic fingers and toes, necrosis pains of femoral head, osteoporosis (bone sounding), aching pain of waist and back, rheumatic migrate arthralgia, muscular atrophy, bony strain, lassitude in the loins and knees, pain of spur on the sole, etc.  It helps relieve all kinds of aches and pains so that make you enjoy your life better and your family happier. Medication of the pills will cure the trouble, and strengthen those non-sufferers. It contains various kinds of vitamins and can be taken safely. It helps relieve tiredness, prevent many kinds of osteoarthritis, improve body immunity but generate no side effects and contain no chemicals and toxicants. Long term taking of Lim Tong Bo) causes no hurt on intestines and stomach. This product is suitable for all ages, specifically effective for preventing osteoporosis of the young, middle-aged and old people and body strengthening.

Dosage: For adults : 2-3 times per day and three pills per time ( Take more 4-8 pills at the most if necessary). For children under 10, 3 times per day or follow our doctor’s suggestion, once in the morning and once in the evening (with boiled water under hollow stomach or after meal). Generally the diseases can be healed in 10-30 days. 40-60-100 days in severe cases. Patients of suffering flu and fever should not take the pill until the fever is faded. For purpose of preventing osteoporosis, once per day and three pills per time are suitable for all ages.

For better effects, please also use our Lim Tong Tip externally.

storage and expiration: Keep in cool and shady places, 3 years validity term. Patients of various virosis, flu and fever should cease dosing. It is forbidden for pregnant women to take this product.

If you are suffering from serious pain or stroke and hemiplegy with difficult for walking , you are advised to take body elements and Stress Relaxing & Lim Tong Bo or  to come to our center for treatment with Traditional Chinese Medicine Patent Prescription by Pro. To Chun Tak/Pro.陳麗如, expert pharmaceutist.



骨痛原因: 座り、寝相、仕事の姿勢が不正;靴が合わない、疲れすぎ、歩き時間が長すぎや立て過ぎ、余

【適応症】: 全身脊椎神経四肢だるく痛みや痙攣、全身筋肉傷、酸、麻痺痛みを緩和し、リューマチ関節炎を和らげ、長年内部器官の傷痛、四肢筋肉と足がだるい、卒中、半身パック、行動不便、やりたいが力がそれに伴わない痛み、痺れ痛、神経痛、顔の神経痛、肩関節周囲炎、三叉神経痛、テニス選手、ゴルフ選手手足関節炎、骨質疎ら(骨音) 、背腰痛み、リューマチ性関節遊動体痛み、筋肉縮み、骨質疲れ、腰だるい、かかと骨痛みに適応し、様々な痛みを除去して、愉快な人生を享受させ、家族も嬉しいです。
【使用方法】: 成人は12回から3回、ひどいのは3回から5回、3錠ずつ。(非常にひどい場合はもう一回4錠から8錠を服用できます。)十歳以下の子供は一日三回或は弊堂の医師の指導に従ってください。朝晩一回ずつ、空腹又はご飯後お湯でを飲み下さい。普通は10-30日間で全快出来ます、ひどくても60-100日間で回復させます。熱が出る場合或いは風邪の場合は、熱が下げさせてからお飲みください。骨粗を防ぎたい者は11回、13錠です。男女を問わず服用できます。


香港衛生署中成藥確認編號HKP 08778

香港電話/Tel:(+852)27711119/27709388 / 27700168 中國電話+(86)15814705588/ +81051638       

QQ號碼: 2413115528



