Fitness Treasury


人參 陳皮 青皮 香附 紫蘇 木瓜 生 大棗 砂仁 豬苓 澤瀉 三棱 莪術 等等…..
密封,置陰涼乾燥處。  有效期三年

Fitness Treasury

【Indications】: Abdominal distention, emphysema, muscle edema of the face and body in the morning and at night, drowsiness and feeling of body heaviness, palpitation with short breath, qi pain and body ache, chest distressed fullness and vomiting, dry mouth and stomach gas bloating, worry and melancholia, difficult urination and defecation.

【Functions】Clearing, building body for fitness and beauty, nourishing spleen and expelling dampness, eliminating dampness and clearing away heat, expelling water, eliminating swelling, activating vital energy circulation, relaxing the bowels and reducing fat, easing melancholia, channeling blood vessel, slowing down senility, improving health, skin and facial care.

【Ingredients】Radix Ginseng ,Pericarpium Citri Reticulatae ,Pericarpium Citri Reyiculatae Viride,Rhizoma Cyperi,Folium Perillae,Fructus Chaenome,Rhizoma Zingiberis Recens,Fructus Jujubae,Fructus Amomi,Polyporus,Rhizoma Alismatis 、Rhizoma Sparganii 、Rhizoma Curcumae .

Manufactured by Tak Thai Tong Chinese Medicine Factory Ltd.(HK)
Supervised by Wo Tai Chinese Medicine center Limited
Wo Tai Medicine Technology Research Center




【香港衛生署中成藥確認編號】 HKP 08705

香港電話/Tel:(+852)27711119/27709388 / 27700168 中國電話+(86)15814705588/ +81051638       

QQ號碼: 2413115528



