Stomachache Reliever




厚樸、 甘草、 枳實、 蓮翹、 陳皮、 砂仁、 小茴香、 降香、 香附、 大棗、 生、等等……..

密封,置陰涼乾燥處。  有效期三年


Stomachache Reliever

【Indications】:Improper diet and dyspepsia,asthenia injury of spleen and stomach, gastric abscess, belching and vomiting, non-stopping eructation, borborygmus, hiccup, abdominal pain, gastroptosis, diarrhea due to heat evil, cold diarrhea, stress caused by work, irregular food intake, voracious eating without discriminating between the hot and cold, various types of chronic stomachache for years, chronic gastritis, cardiac pain and stomachache.

【Functions】: Coordinating spleen and stomach, calming stomach channels and alleviating stomachache, stopping borborygmus, alleviating abdominal pain and diarrhea, stopping dysphagia immediately.

【Ingredients】:Processed Cortex Magnoliae Officinalis、Radix Glycyrrhizae、Fructus Aurantii Immaturus、Fructus Forsythiae、Pericarpium、 Citri Reticulatae、Fructus Amomi、Fructus Foeniculi、Lignum Dalbergiae Odoriferae、Rhizoma Cyperi、Fructus Jujubae、Rhizoma Zingiberis.

Manufactured by Tak Thai Tong Chinese Medicine Factory Ltd.(HK)
Supervised by Wo Tai Chinese Medicine center Limited
Wo Tai Medicine Technology Research Center
符合香港衛生署制定之中成藥檢驗 重金屬或有毒元素、農藥殘留、微生物限度標準合格使用
【香港衛生署中成藥確認編號】 HKP 08704

香港電話/Tel:(+852)27711119/27709388 / 27700168 中國電話+(86)15814705588/ +81051638       

QQ號碼: 2413115528



